Psocoptera of China (2 Volume set)


Price: $136.00


Author: Li Fasheng
Language: In Chinese with an English summary (P.1764-P1926)
ISBN/ISSN: 9787030091734
Published on: 2002-07

The Psocoptera are one of the smaller and less known insect orders. More than 4000 species and about 300 genera are known in the world. Most of them feed on microflora and organic debris and occur on vegetation. Few species are associated with human habitations and known as stored product pests.
The present work deals with 1505 species belonging 170 genera, 27 families, and 14 supperfamilies in 3 suborders of Psocoptera in China. Of which, 918 species and 64 genera are described as new to science, 12 subfamilies and 7 tribes are established and 3 supperfamilies are suggested; 79 species are combined, one genus and 3 species are renamed for replacement names of junior homonyms. Male and female genitalia, the fore and hind wings and other external characters of all included species are illustrated. The color figures of some species and microscopical photos of Liposcelis spp. Are given in the plates. Keys to Chinese suborders, supperfamilies, families and subfamilies, tribes, genera and species are provided. Smithers' (1972a) taxonomic system is mainly adopted, revised and enlarged, but without division and family group.
The type specimens of new species are kept in the insect collection of the China Agricultural University except noted.

1. Thylacelloidea
2. Perientomoidea
3. Trogioidea
4. Psoquilloidea
5. Psyllipsocoidea
6. Liposcelidoidea
7. Pachytroctoidea
8. Troctopsocidea stat.nov.
9. Amphientomoidea
10. Epipsocoidea
11. Caeciliusoidea
12. Hemipsocoidea stat.nov.
13. Pseudocaecilioidea stat. Nov.
14. Psocoidea

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