The Book of Indian Reptiles and Amphibians

Price: $77.00


Author: J. C. Daniel
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 019 566099 4
Published on: 2002-01

Preface. 1. Introduction to reptiles. 2. Crocodiles. 3.Turtles and tortoises: 1. Marine turtles. 2. Freshwater tortoises or terrapins. 3. Freshwater or mud turtles. 4. Land tortoises. 4. Lizards : 1. Geckos. 2. Agamids. 3. Chameleons. 4. Skinks. 5. Lacertids. 6. Glass snakes. 7. Monitor lizards. 5. Snakes: 1. Blind snakes. 2. Boas. 3. Pythons. 4. Elaphids. 5. Rat snakes. 6. Kukri snakes. 7. Tree snakes. 8. Wolf snakes. 9. Keelbacks. 10. Cat snakes. 11. Whip snakes. 12. Water snakes. 13. Kraits. 14. Coral snakes. 15. Cobras. 16. Sea snakes. 17. Vipers. 6. Amphibians : 1. Salamanders. 2. Caecilians. 3. Spadefoot toads. 4. Torrent toads. 5. Tree toads. 6. True toads. 7. Microhylids or narrow-mouthed frogs. 8. Tree frogs and bush frogs. 9. True frogs. Glossary. References. Indexes.

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