Transactions of The Chinese Crustacean Society


Price: $44.00


Author: The Chinese Crustacean Society
Language: Chinese with English summary
Published on: 1986-01

My Crustacean Research for the Past 50 Years
Marine Benthic Crustacean Studies in China
Achievements in Freshwater Crustacean Research in China
The Significance of the Study of Recent Ostracods with Reference to Fossil Ostracods
Research on Marine Planktonic Crustacean in China
Achievements in Crustacean Mariculture Studies in China
A Review of the Study of Biology and Resource Assessment of Chinese Shrimp in the Huanghai Sea and Bohai Sea
Intertidal Crabs from Beibu Gulf of Guangxi
A Preliminary Study on the Bohai Sea and on Measures for Stabilizing Yield
Effects of Mercury and Cadmium on the Behavior Response and on the Electrical Activity of Stretch Receptor of the Chinese Prawn Penaeus orientalis Kishinouye
The Biology of the Blue Crab in the Bohai Sea
A Study on the Zooplankton in Deep Sea Fishing Ground off the Continental Shelf Margin and Slope in the East China Sea.II. Horizontal and Vertical Distribution of Copepods
Study on the Reproduction and Generation of Pinnotheres sinensis Shen
The Cirripede Foulers of Hong Kong Waters
Studies on the Dorippidate of Chinese Waters
The Distribution of the Euphausiacea in the Huanghai Sea and East China Sea
Regression equations of the Body weight to Body length for Common Freshwater Species of Cladocera
The Histology and Histochemistry of the Reproductive Systems of the Shrimp Acetes chinensis Hansen
Biological Characteristics of a Bathypelagic Shrimp, Aristaeomorpha foliacea
A Preliminary Study on the Branchiopoda of Shandong Province
Description of a New Species of the Genus Hungrocypris Vavra 1906
Study on the Crustacean Zooplankton of Honghu Lake
Cladocera from Henan Province
The Species and New Record of Freshwater Cladocera from Shandong Province
Preliminary survey on the Freshwater Cladocera in the Ji-tai Basin, Jiangxi Province
New Records of Cladocera from Guangdong and Guangxi
Cladocera from Dongjiang River
Experiments on Raising the Effects of Larval Rearing of Penaeus merguiensis I. Effects of Certain Drugs on Raising the Survival Rate
Experiments on Raising the Effects of Larval Rearing of Penaeus merguiensis II. Several Effective Measures to Raise the Survival Rate
Notes on Some Factors Controlling Ovarian Maturity and Spawning in the Grass Prawn Penaeus monodon
A Preliminary Study on the Artificial Propagation of Exopalaemon carinicauda
A Preliminary Study on Artificial Rearing of the Crab, Portunus trituberculatus
Preliminary Report on the Experimental Artificial Breeding of the Fry of the Crab-Portunus trituberculatus
Frozen Nitzschia closterium Preparation as Feed for Larvae of Eriocheir sinensis
Preliminary Study on Techniques for the Culture of the Horseshoe Crab, Tachypleus tridentatus
The Pentastomids of China
The Developmental Stages of Temora turbinate
Laboratory Experiments on the Growth and Reproductive Capacity of the Water-Flea, Daphnia crinata King
On a New Genus of Mysidacea, Paraleptomysis gen. nov. from the South China Sea
On Three New Species of Mysidacea from the Coastal Waters of Guangdong Province, China
Investigations on the Characteristics of Population and Reproductive Habit of Fresh Water Prawn, Palaemon modestus Heller in Taihi Lake
A Study of the Genus Carcinoplax of Chinese Waters

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