Wildlife Of China

Price: $38.00


Author: China Wildlife Conservation Conservation Association
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 80461008
Published on: 1999-01

China is a vast country which from north to south extends across the equatorial belt, the Torrid Zone, sub-tropical zone, Temperate zone and the Frigid Zone; while stretching westward from the east coast to the hinterland of the Asian continent. Wildlife abounds in such favorable geographical conditions and climates. The fauna of mainland China belongs to Palaearctic and Oriental Zones. Not only does China possess various kinds of wild animals of economic value, it also has more than a hundred species of world-famous rare and precious animals. To disseminate and popularize the knowledge of wild life, many scientists and cameramen have , in the past years risked their lives against hardships, all for the purpose of photographing wildlife in their natural habitats. we have chosen more than a hundred photographs from their large collection to the prepare this book for readers.

Giant Panda; Tiger; Lesser Panda; Pallas Cat; Golden Cat; Sable; Snow Leopard; Jungle Cat; Leopard; Clouded Leopard; Chinese Desert Cat; Binturong; Wolverine; European Lynx; Brown Bean; Asiatic Wild Ass; Bactrian Camel; Asiatic Elephant; Japanese Sika Deer; Szechwan Deer; Thorold*s Deer; Moose(36); Musk Deer(36); Lin Musk Deer(37); Lesser Malay Mouse(37); Caribou(38); Black Muntjac(39); Eld Deer(39); Hogdeer(40); Tufted deer(40); Eld Sambar(40); Red Deer; Tibentan Antelope; Goitred Gazelle; Formosa Serow; Red Goral; Ibex; Takin; Gaur; Gray Goral; Domestic Yak; Golden Haired Monkey; Stump-tailed Macaque; Slow Loris; Pig Tailed Macaque; Rhesus Macque; White-Browed Gibbon; Black Gibbon; White-Handed Gibbon; White Cheeked Gibbon; Francois Monkey; White-Headed Langur; Chinese River Dolphin; Otter; Harbor seal; Black Finless Propoise; Beaver; Pangolin; Mountain Hare. Chinese Alligator; Hawksbill Sea Turtle; Soft - Shelled Turtles; Horsfield*s Tortoise; Green Sea Turtle; Water Monitor; Gecko; Lizard; Hellbender; Indian Python; Bull-Frog; Lancelet; Chinese Stugeon; White Stugeon; Crested Ibis; White Ibis; Mute Swan; Spoonbill; Snow Owl; Brown Wood Owl; Cap Barn Owl; Long-Eared Owl; Long -Eared Owl; Eagle Owl; Griffon Vulture; Golden Eagle; Bearded Vulture; White -tailed Sea Eagle; Cinereous Vulture; Hobby; Green Peafowl; Elliot*s Pheasant; Swinhoe*s Pheasant; Silver Pheasant; Chinese Tragopan; Grey Peacock; Pheasant; White-Crowned Long-Tailed Pheasant; Hazel Grouse; Red-Footed Booby; Brown Booby; Great Bustard; Black-Billed Capercaillie; Common Koklas Pheasant; Chinese Merganser; Great Pied Hornbill; Rufous-Necked Hornbill; Giant Hornbill; Blue Winged Pitta; Derby*s Parakeet; Mandarin Duck; White-Fronted Goose; Brown-Heated Gull; Spotted-Billed Pelican; White Stork; Black Stork; Red-Crowned Crane; White-Napped Crane; Demoiselle Crane; Black-Necked Crane; Sarus Crane; Hooded Crane; Common Crane; Siberian Crane

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