Fauna Sinica Invertebrata (Vol.28) Crustacea: Amphipoda:Hyperiidea

中国动物志 元脊椎动物 第二十八卷 节肢动物门 甲壳动物亚门 端足目

Price: $37.00


Author: Chen Qingchao and Shi Changtai
Language: Chinese, Latin name
ISBN/ISSN: 7030091825
Published on: 2002-01

The morphology of the Hyperiidea varies among the families and their genera, but a generalized body form is illustrated in Fig. 1. A species frequently found in the China seas. The orphological terminology used in the present study follows Bowman and Gruner (1973). In general. Hyperiideans are laterally compressed and considerably longer than wide. The body is inflated in some families of the Scinoidea and Platysceloidea, and in some cases individuals may roll themselves up into a ball (conglobation) as in species of Platyscelus ( Platyscelidae) and Thyropus (Parascelidae). The Oxycephalidae in at the other extreme with an elongate and thin body, as for instance, the meedle-like form in the species of Rhabdosoma.

锥?科 Scinidae Stebbing,1888
锥?总科 Scinoidea Bowman et Gruner,1973
锥?属 Scina Prestandrea,1833
1.粗角锥?S. crassicornis(Fabricius,1775)
2.北方锥?S. borealis(Sars,1882)
3.边缘锥?S. marginata(Bovallius,1885)
4.涂氏锥?S. tullbergi(Bovallius,1885)
5.相似锥?S. similis Stebbing,1895
6.不确锥?S. incerta Chevreux,1900
7.刺锥?S. spinosa Vossclcr,1901
8.弯指锥?S. curvidactyla Chevreux,1914
9.侏儒锥?S. nana Wagler,1926
10.荆刺锥?A. acanthodes(Stebbing,1895)
刺锥?属 Acanthoscina Vosseler,1900
小矛?总科 Lanceoloidea Bowman et Gruner,1973
小矛?科 Lanceolidae Bovallius,1887
小矛?属 Lanceola Say,1818
11.沙氏小矛? L. sayana Bovallius,1885
12.锯齿小矛? L. serrata Bovallius,1885
13.太平洋小矛? L. Pacifica Stebbing,1888
14.帕氏小矛? L. pirloti Shoemaker,1945
15.中间小矛? L. intermedia Vinogradov,1957
路?总科 Vibilioidea Bowman et Gruner,1973
路?属 Vibilia Milne-Edwards,1830
路?科 Vibiliidae Dana,1852
16.隆背路? V. gibbosa Bovallius,1887
17.三叉路? V. viatrix Bovallius,1887
18.武装路? V. armata Bovallius,1887
19.梨足路? V. pyripes Bovallius,1887
20.亲近路? V. propinqua Stebbing,1888
21.澳洲路? V. australis Stebbing,1888
22.刀足路? V. cultripes Vosseler,1901
23.思氏路? V. stebbingi Behning et Woltereck,1912
24.春氏路? V. Chuni Behning et Woltereck,1912
25.长腕路? V. longicarpus Behning,1913
近慎?科 Paraphronimidae Bovalliua,1887
近慎?属 Paraphronima Claus,1879
26.优细近慎? P. gracilis Claus,1879
27.厚足近慎? P.crassipes Claus,1879
泉?科 Hyperiidae Dana,1852
慎?总科 Phronimoidea Rafinesque-schmalte,1815
蛮?属 Lestrigonus Milne-Edwards,1830
28.孟加蛮? L. bengalensis Giles,1887
29.裂颚蛮? L. schizogeneios (Stebbing,1888)
30.苦足蛮? L. crucipes(Bovallius,1889)
31.宽阔蛮? L. latissimus(Bovallius,1889)
32.大眼蛮? L. macrophthalmus(Vosseler,1901)
33.苏氏蛮? L. shoemaker Bowman,1973
法?属 Themisto Guérin,1825
34.细足法? T. gracilipes(Norman,1869)
35.刺拟慎? P. spinifera Claus,1879
拟慎?属 Phronimopsis Claus,1879
近泉?属 Hyperoche Bovallius,1887
36.水母近泉? H. medusarum(Kr?yer,1838)
37.马氏近泉? H. martinezi(Müller,1864)
38.地中海近泉? H. mediterranea Senna,1908
小法?属Themistella Bovallius,1887
39.黄褐小法? T. fusca(Dana,1853)
似泉?属 Hyperioides Chevreux,1900
40.长足似泉? H. longipes Chevreux,1900
41.西巴似泉? H. sibaginis(Stebbing,1888)
小泉?属 Hyperietta Bowman,1973
42.吕宋小泉? H. luzoni(Stebbing,1888)
43.佛氏小泉? H. vosseleri(Stebbing,1904)
44.思氏小泉? H. stebbingi Bowman,1973
45.斯氏小泉? H. stephenseni Bowman,1973
爪泉?属 Hyperionyx Bowman,1973
46.大指爪泉? H. macrodactyla(Stephensen,1924)
宽泉?属 Laxohyperia Vinogradov et Volkov,1982
47.蜂型宽泉? L. vespuliformis Vinogradov et Volkov,1982
慎?科 Phronimidae Dana,1853
慎?属 Phronima Latreille,1802
48.定居慎? P. sedentaria(Forssk?l.1775)
49.大西洋慎? P. atlantica Guérin,1836
50.独居慎? P. solitaria Guérinet Méneville,1836
51.太平洋慎? P. pacifica Streets,1877
52.颈带慎? P. colletti Bovallius,1887
53.牛头慎? P. bucephala Giles,1887
54.曲足慎? P. curvipes Vosseler,1900
小慎?属 Phronimella Claus,1872
55.长形小慎? P. elongata(Claus,1862)
喜?科 Phrosinidae Dana,1853
喜?属 Phrosina Risso,1822
56.半月喜? P. semilunata Risso,1822
骨节?属 Anchylomera Milne-Edwards,1830
57.布氏骨节? A. blossevillii Milne-Edwards,1830
海神?属 Primno Guérin,1830
58.深层海神? P. abyssalis(Bowman,1968)
59.拉氏海神? P. latreillei Stebbing,1888
60.短密海神? P. brevidens Bowman,1978
拟狼?总科 Lycaeopsidea Bowman et Gruner,1973
拟狼?科 Lycaeopsidae Chevreux,1913
拟狼?属 Lycaeopsis Claus,1879
61.近法拟狼? L. themistoides Claus,1879
62.三宝拟狼? L. zamboangae(Stebbing,1888)
宽腿?总科 Platysceloidea Bowman et Gruner,1973
海精?科 Pronoidae Claus,1879
海精?属 Pronoe Guérin,1836
63.大头近海精? Pronoe capito Guérin,1836
真海精?属 Eupronoe Claus,1879
64.斑点真海精? E. maculata Claus,1879
65.武装真海精? E. armata Claus,1879
66.微小真海精? E. minuta Claus,1879
67.中间真海精? E. intermedia Stebbing,1888
68.宽腕真海精? E. laticarpa Stephensen,1925
近狼?属Paralycaea Claus,1879
69.优细近狼? P. gracilis Claus,1879
近海精?属 Parapronoe Claus,1879
70.小饼近海精? P. crustulum Claus,1879
71.极小近海精? P. parva Claus,1879
72.甘氏近海精? P. campbelli Stebbing,1888
73.长形近海精? P. elongata Semenova,1981
再海精?科 Anapronidae Bowman et Gruner,1973
74.阮氏再海精? A. reinhardti Stephensen,1925
再海精?属 Anapronoe Stephensen,1925
狼?科 Lycaeidae Claus,1879
狼?属 Lycaea Dana,1852
75.蚤狼? L. Pulex Marion,1874
76.维氏狼? L. vincentii stebbing,1888
77.贝岛狼? L. bajensis Shoemaker,1925
78.拟波氏狼? L. bovalloides Stephensen,1925
短腿狼?属 Brachyscelus Bate,1861
79.甲状短腿狼? B. crusculum Bate,1861
80.贪婪短腿狼? B. rapax(Claus,1871)
81.圆头短腿狼? B. globiceps(Claus,1879)
82.厚足伪狼? P. pachypoda Claus,1879
伪狼?属 Pseudolycaea Claus,1879
枝形?属 Thamneus Bovallius,1887
83.额枝形? T. rostratus Bovallius,1887
喙形?属 Tryphana Boeck,1871
84.梦氏喙形? T malmi Boeck,1871
尖头?科 Oxycephalidae Bate,1861
尖头?属 Oxycephalus Milne-Edwards,1830
85.渔夫尖头? O. piscator Milne-Edwards,1830
86.阔喙尖头? O. latirostris Claus,1879
87.克氏尖头? O. clausi Bovallius,1887
88.长脚尖头? O. longipes Spandl,1927
箭口?属 Calamorhynchus Streets,1878
89.透明箭口? C. pellucidus Streets,1878
90.麦氏舌头?G. milne-edwardsi Bovallius,1887
舌头?属 Glossocephalus Bovallius,1887
盔头?属 Cranocephalus Bovallius,1890
窄头?属 Leptocotis Streets,1877
92.小喙窄头? L. tenuirostris(Claus,1871)
棒体?属 Rhabdosoma White,1847
93.武装棒体? R. armatun(Milne-Edwards),1840
94.怀氏棒体? R. whitei Bate,1862
95.短尾棒体? R. brevicaudatum Stebbing,1888
96.小棒体? R. minor Fage,1954
97.触角扁鼻? S. antennarius (Claus,1871)
扁鼻?属 Simorhynchotus Stebbing,1888
司氏?属 Streetsia Stebbing,1888
98.小猪司氏? S. porcella(Claus,1879)
99.私氏司氏? S. steenstrupi(Bovallius,1887)
100.岷岛司氏? S. mindanaonis(Stebbing,1888)
101.挑战司氏? S. challengeri Stebbing,1888
小涂氏?属 Tullbergella Bovallius,1887
102.细尖小涂氏? T. cuspidata Bovallius,1887
宽腿?科 Platyscelidae Bate,1862
宽腿?属 Platyscelus Bate,1862
103.卵形宽腿? P. ovoides(Risso,1816)
104.武装宽腿? P. armatus(Claus,1879)
105.小锯宽腿? P. serratulus Stebbing,1888
106.两刺双门? A. bispinosus Claus,1879
双门?属 Amphithyrus Claus,1879
107.拟双门? A. similis Claus,1879
108.雕刻双门? A. sculpturatus Claus,1879
109.贫毛双门? A. glaber Spandl,1924
110.墙双门? A. muratus Volkov,1982
半忱?属 Hemityphis Claus,1879
111.小手半忱? H. tenuimanus Claus,1879
近忱?属 Paratyphis Claus,1879
112.斑点近忱? P. maculatus Claus,1879
113.极小近忱? P. parvus Claus,1887
114.刺近忱? P. spinosus Spandl,1924
115.钳形四门? T. forcipatus Claus,1879
四门?属 Tetrathyrus Claus,1879
116.阿海四门? T. arafurae Stebbing,1888
近腿?科 Parascelidae Bovallius,1887
门足?属 Thyropus Dana,1852
117.球形门足? T. sphaeroma(Claus,1879)
118.爱氏门足? T. edwardsi(Claus,1879)
119.似忱门足? T. typhoides(Claus,1879)
裂腿?属 Schizoscelus Claus,1879
120.装饰裂腿? S. ornatus Claus,1879
英文摘要 English abstract

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