International Symposium On Earthquakes And Dams (2 vol.set)

Price: $63.00


Language: English
Published on: 1987-01

Vol.1: 533 pages
1.Response of Concrete Dams
(1)Study on arch dam-reservoir interaction
(2)Preliminary experimental study on compressibility of reservoir water
(3)Seismic response of nagawado arch dam
(4)Study on dynamic behavior of concrete dam during earthquake with hydrodynamic interaction
(5)Earthquake analysis and response of concrete gravity dam including dam-water –foundation interaction effects
(6)Fluid-cantilever structure-elastic foundation interaction
(7)Reservoir bottom condition and hydrodynamic pressure on dams
(8)Hydrodynamic forces on gates due to earthquakes
(9)Hydrodynamic pressures on dams by the boundry element method
(10)Hydrodynamic and foundation interaction effects in earthquake response of concrete dam
(11)Dam-foundation interaction effect on earthquake response of concrete gravity dams
(12)A Comparative study of earthquake input mechanisms for dynamic analysis of concrete dams
(13)Model identification of arch dam by transient excitation
(14)An overview of in-situ dynamic tests on concret dams
(15)Calculation of arch dams subjected to earthquakes antiseismic design of arch dams
(16)Special design of steno arch dam in Greece in relation with possible fault movements
(17)Vibration-response of arch dams with time-lag between abutments
(18)Studies and design of earthquake-resistant concrere dams
2.Response of Fill Dams
(1)Lessons from earthquake damages of earth dams in China
(2)Analyses of seismic pore pressure and permanent deformation of an earth dam
(3)Dynamic failure test of model embankment
(4)Liquefaction analyses for embankment dams
(5)Analyses of earthquake-induced permanent deformations of earth dams
(6)Dynamic shear strength of coarse grained granular materials
(7)An analysis of the dynamic behavior of a rockfill dam during an earthquake with waves of high frequency
(8)Some new discoveries in the model tests on the earthquake resistance of rockfill dams
(9)Evaluation of seismic stability of embankment dam
(10)Evaluation of resilient and permanent deformations as well as pore pressure generation of earth and rock fill materials undercyclic loading
(11)Rockfill sliding initiated by ground shaking
(12)Earthquake-resistant analysis of earth and tailing dams
(13)Discussions on seismic stability of slopes for rockfill
(14)Two-dimensional dynamic response analysis of three-dimensional dams
(15)Dynamic properties of materials for lubuga rockfill dam
(16)Dynamic analysis of a rockfill dam
(17)Dynamic failure tests on model embankments and dams of soils and numerical simulation of then with non-linear finite and joint element methods
(18)Studies on dynamic experiments of embankment dam models
(19)On effects of vertical ground motion on stability of fill-type dams
(20)Enel contribution to the assessment of liquefaction risk for dam foundations
(21)Simplified methods for optimum antiseismic design of embankment dams and reinforced rockfill dams

Vol.2: 239 pages
Part1 Speech at the symposium
1.Opening Session(3papers)
2.First Session-Response of concrete dams(17papers)
3.Second Session-Response of fill dams(14papers)
4.Closing Session(1paper)
Part2 Late papers
1.Some Model and Full-scale Concrete Dam Studies
2.Effects Caused by Earthquakes on Dams
3.Dynamic Effective Stress Analysis of Embankments
4.In Situ Measurements of Grand’maison Dam Dynamic Characteristics
Part3 Index

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