Author: Zhou Zhiyan
Language: Chinese with English summary
1983; Hardcover;185x260mm;85 pages + 33 plates
In his important contribution to Rhaetian and Liassic floras of East Greenland, Harris pointed out that in the major floras of East Asia, the sequence of plant bdes is little known, it is out of the question to work out their zonation. Recent studies, however, reveal the presence in China of two quite distinct plant-bearing horizons of late Triassic and Early Liassic in age. The lower plant-bearing horizon yielding many important elements of the Lepidopteris zone, such as Ptilozamites, Lepidopteris, Anthrophyopsis, Drepanozamites, Pterophyllum, Cycadocarpidium etc., is very widespread in South China, while the upper horizon is more restricted in distribution and its floristic composition was not known until now.
Language: Chinese with English summary
1983; Hardcover;185x260mm;85 pages + 33 plates
In his important contribution to Rhaetian and Liassic floras of East Greenland, Harris pointed out that in the major floras of East Asia, the sequence of plant bdes is little known, it is out of the question to work out their zonation. Recent studies, however, reveal the presence in China of two quite distinct plant-bearing horizons of late Triassic and Early Liassic in age. The lower plant-bearing horizon yielding many important elements of the Lepidopteris zone, such as Ptilozamites, Lepidopteris, Anthrophyopsis, Drepanozamites, Pterophyllum, Cycadocarpidium etc., is very widespread in South China, while the upper horizon is more restricted in distribution and its floristic composition was not known until now.
The present paper deals with the largest collection of fossil plants hitherto secured from the upper horizon, which comprises about 72 species belongiong to 33 genera respectively.