Language: Chinese with English summary
Published on: 1955-01
The dendroid graptolites of China have been studied for more than two decades. Many important species of the genera Dictyonema, Desmograptus, Callograptus, Dendrograptus and Acanthograptus have been previously described by Professors Y.C.Sun, T.H.Yin and Singwu C. Hsli. All these dendroids are the Lower Ordovician (Tremadocian and Arenigian) forms obtained from Hopei, Hupeh, Kiangsi and Yunnan Provinces. During recent years. Additional specimens of dendroids ranging from Upper Cambrian to Lower Silurian have been found from different localities in the provinces of Liaoning, Shansi, Inner Mongolia, Sikang, Szechuan, Kueichou and Chekiang. It is this recently acquired material forwarded to the writer for examination by many collectors which forms the subject of the present account. The majority of the specimens were collected from the Yehli formation (Tremadocian) of the Taitzeho valley, Liaoning and from the Ichang formation (Tremadocian) of the Changyang district, W.Hupedh.
1. Endroidea
(1) Dendrograptidae
(2) Acanthograptidae
(3) Inocaulidae
(4) Anisograptidae