Language: Chinese
2003; Hardcover;185x260mm;483 pages + 14 plates
Table of Contents
Part I: Pathogenic and other harmful ciliated protozoa in shrimp farming
1. Ectocommensal peritrichs on the cultured shrimps
2. Scuticociliates in shrimp-farming waters
3. Free-living pathogenic ciliates in shrimp-farming waters
Part II: Parasitic and pathogenic ciliates in mollusc farming
4. Parasitic ciliates of cultured molluscs
5. Pathogenic ciliates in scallop-farming waters
Part III: Pathogenic protozoa of marine fishes
6. Myxosporea of marine fishes in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea
7. Ectoparasitic ciliates of marine fishes
Part IV: General information about marine parasitic protozoa
8. Systematic revision on the order Bivalvida (Myxosporea)
9. Briefto the mobiline peritrich ciliates with revision of their systematicsat the generic level
10. Distibution and revised checklist of the marine myxozoa of the world
11. Distribution and revised checklist of the trichodinid ciliates of the world
Part V: Plate