Author: Edited by Institute of Soil Science, Academia Sinica
Language: English
Published on: 1981-01
Paddy soil is one of the most important land resources in the world. Owing to the peculiar water regime, paddy soils possess quite different properties physically, chemically and biologically as compared with those of upland soils. Such properties have a conspicuous effect on fertility and management practice of paddy field. In recent years, an extensive study of paddy soils has been carried out in different parts of the world, especially in Asia. In order to sum up the past works and open up new prospects, a “ Symposium on Paddy Soils” organized under the auspices of Academia Sinica was held in Nanjing on October 19-24, 1980.
Language: English
Published on: 1981-01
Paddy soil is one of the most important land resources in the world. Owing to the peculiar water regime, paddy soils possess quite different properties physically, chemically and biologically as compared with those of upland soils. Such properties have a conspicuous effect on fertility and management practice of paddy field. In recent years, an extensive study of paddy soils has been carried out in different parts of the world, especially in Asia. In order to sum up the past works and open up new prospects, a “ Symposium on Paddy Soils” organized under the auspices of Academia Sinica was held in Nanjing on October 19-24, 1980.
In this publication are contained 110 papers dealing exclusively with both fundamentals of subject and its applied aspects presented by quite a number of well-known soil scientists from various parts of the world.
Part I. Plenary Session
Part II. Section Session
Section 1. Properties
Section 2. Genesis and Classification
Section 3. Management
Part III. Poster Session
Appendices (Speeches in closing session)