Language: English
Published on: 2004-01
1.Special Session: In Honor of the Late Professor Liu Huixian
2.Keynote Lectures
(1)Development of Earthquake Engineering in the Mainland of China
(2)The Use of Equivalent Linearization in Performance Based Engineering
(3)Protecting Cultural Heritages from Post-Earthquake Fires
(4)Assessment of Seismic Stability of Foundation Rock of Arch Dam Abutments
(5)NCREE Research Activities: Present and Future
(6)Near Field Strong Ground Motion Simulation
(7)Casualties’ States During Destructive Earthquakes
3.Structural Analysis and Experimental Simulation
(1)The Dynamic Stability And Mechanical Behavior of Laminated Rubber Bearings
(2)Capacity-Demand Curves Method for Performance/Displacement-Based Seismic Design
(3)Reducing Seismic Consequences Through Rehabilitation of Masonry Buildings
(4)Seismic Response of Multistorey Masonry Building with Restricted Base Sliding
(5)Equivalent Lateral Load Distribution in Pushover Analysis
(6)The Design of Structural Concrete Regions for Seismic Actions by the Strut-and-Tie Method
(7)New Retrofitting Method of old R/C Buildings by Using CHS Braces and External PC Bars for Shear Reinforcement of R/C Columns
(8)Development of Reduced Beam Section Steel Moment Connections in the United States: A Northridge Experience
(9)Probabilistic Estimation of Building Response for Loss Estimation
(10)Hybrid-Steel Concrete Connections for Precast Concrete Frame Under Reversed Cyclic Loading
(11)An Efficient Dynamic Analysis Technique for Elastic Structures
(12)CFRP Strengthened RC Columns Under Seismic Loading
(13)Calculation Method on Fundamental Natural Period of Vibration for Multistory and High-Rise Steel Frame Structure of Flexible Connection
(14)Shaking Table Test on the Seismic Behavior of a 10 Stories Hollow Concrete Block Masonry Building
(15)Education and Outreach for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation
(16)Seismic Design Strategies of Multi-Span Continuous Bridges in Moderatp Seismicit Regions
(17)Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Earthquake Engineering Research (ANCER)
(18)Preliminary Study on Nonlinear Similitude Law Used for Structural Seismic Test
(19)Shake Table Tests on the Gravity Load Collapse of Reinforced Concrete Frames
(20)Inelastic Behaviour of Steel Bolted Flanged Plate Connections in Pre-Cast Concrete Frame
(21)An Experimental Study of Cyclic Seismic Behavior of Steel Moment Connections Reinforced with Ribs
(22)Shaking Table Tests of a 1:20 Scale High-Rise Residential Building
(23)Study on Seismic Simulator Experiment of Ultra High-Rise Structure with High Transfer Storey
(24)Networked Collaborative Pseudo-Dynamic Test Platform
(25)Seismic Evaluation of Shear-Flexure RC Piers with Longitudinal Lap Splices Through Quasi Static Real Scale Model Test
(26)Seismic Performance of 3 Single-Story Asymmetric Structures in Earthquake Simulation Tests
(27)Seismic Retrofit of RC Circular Columns with FRP Wraps
(28)The Evaluation of Seismic Performance for Concrete-Filled Steel Piers
(29)A New Steel-Concrete Composite Column
(30)Hybrid Control System for Protection of Structures from Near-Fault Earthquakes
1.Structural Control and Health Monitoring
(1)Evolutionary Aseismic Design of Passively Damped Structural Systems
(2)Shaking-Table Tests of Story-Increased Building with Slide-Friction Layer and Energy-Dissipated Dampers
(3)Experimental Investigation of SMA as Passive Energy Dissipating Device for Seismic Response Reduction of Buildings
(4)Experimental Evaluation of Characteristics and Seismic Performance of Lead Rubber Bearings
(5)Seismic Response Mitigation Arranged in Model Reference Adaptive Control Systems with Partial Uncertainty
(6)Performance-Based Design with Supplementary Energy Dissipation Systems
(7)Recent Developments in Seismically Isolated Buildings in Japan
(8)An Efficient Method for Establishing the Rule-Base of Fuzzy Controller and Its Application in Fuzzy Control of Flexural Beam with Piezoelectric Patches
(9)Experimental Study on Sliding Base-Isolators of Buildings Subjected to Vertical Vibration
(10)Structural Vibration Control Using Piezoceramic Path Actuator
(11)Optimal Placement of Viscoelastic Dampers for Controlling Seismic Response
(12)A Study on the Stability of Serial System of Laminated Rubber Bearing with Column
(13)Efficacy of a Nonlinear Base Isolation System Subjected to Near-Field Earthquake Motions
(14)Active Control for Buildings Under Earthquake Excitations Using SMA Tendons
(15)The Numerical Analysis of Hysteretic Behavior of Pall-Typed Frictional Dampers and Its Test Verification
(16)Seismic Damage Control Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
(17)Seismic Protection of a Benchmark Cable-Stayed Bridge Using Passive, Active, Semiactive and Hybrid Control Strategies
(18)Microwave Imaging of Seismic Damage in Concrete Structures
(19)Seismic Response Control of a Large Span Building on Top of Ship Lift Towers Using Active Moment Controllers
(20)Simplified Approach for Structural Health Monitoring Using Modal Parameters
(21)Real-Time Structural Monitoring System
(22)Applications of QY Inclinometer in Bridge Health Monitoring
(23)Development of Seismic Isolation Device with LRB and Shock Transmission Units and Its Verification Tests
(24)System Identification of Buildings Structural Using Quasi-Newton Method
2.Seismic Response of Soil Sites and Foundation Strong Motion Seismology
(1)Evaluation of Dynamic Soil Properties and Liquefaction Potential by Seismic Piezocone Tests
(2)A Simple Method for Estimating Soil Impedance and Structural Time History Response on Surface of Multi-Layered Soil
(3)A New Methodology for Liquefaction Potential Assessment Based on Soil Disturbance and Cumulate Plastic Strain
(4)Dynamic Behaviors of Batter Piles and Countermeasures Against Their Vulnerability
(5)Seismic Earth Pressures on Retaining Wall with Cohesive Backfill
(6)Temporal Characteristics of Near-Field Ground Motions and Damage of Structures
(7)Statistical Analysis on Characteristic Value of Spectrum
(8)Soil-Pile Interaction Under Liquefied Sand Flow in 1g Shake Table Tests
(9)Linear Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis in Time and Frequency Domain
(10)Introduction of Soil Structure Interaction to Performance-Based type of Provisions in Building Standard Law of Japan
(11)Dynamic Finite-Element Analysis of Pile-Soil-Structure System Based on Contacting Effect
(12)Computational Analysis on Dynamic Layered Soil-Pile-Structure Interaction with Verification of Shaking Table Test
(13)Time Domain Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis Using Analytical Frequency-Dependent Infinite Elements
(14)Pile Damage Due to Pounding Between Soil and Pile Under Earthquake Excitations: Evidence from Shaking Table Tests
(15)Simulation and Interpolation of Earthquake Motions Using Observed Group Delay Time
(16)Spatial Variation of Near-Field Ground Motion close to Fault
(17)Comparison of Four Numerical Methods for Calculating Seismic Dynamic Response of SDOF System
(18)A Hybrid Optimization Algorithm: Genetic Algorithm-Simplex
(19)Impact of Modern Digital Strong-Motion Observation on Earthquake Engineering
(20)Digitization, Data Processing and Dissemination of Strong Motion Earthquake Accelerograms
(21)Aseismic Negative Dislocation Inversion and Tectonic Deformation Background Before Ms8.1 Earthquake on the West of Kunlun-Mountain Pass in 2001
(22)Stochastic Simulation of Tangshan Ground Motions
(23)Real-Time Liquefaction Detection by Using Strong Ground Motion Records
(24)Numerical Simulation of Pulse-Like Near-Fault Ground Motions
(25)Estimation of Shallow Underground Structures by Microtremor Observations Using a Series of Small-Size Arrays
(26)The Current Tectonic Deformation and Seismogenic Characteristics in the Northeast Margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
(27)HHT-Based Characterization of Nonlinear Vibration and Wave Motions
3.Lifeline Systems
(1)Seismic Analysis of a Bridge Using Fiber Element
(2)Seismic Response of Arch Dams Including Strain-Rate Effects
(3)Condition Assessment and Mitigation of Bridges along a Critical Highway near the New Madrid Seismic Zone
(4)Multifaceted Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit Studies of a Major Viaduct
(5)Simulation of Train Accident Caused by Earthquake-Induced Failure of Overhead-Bridge
(6)Effects of Local Scour upon Bridge Foundation Failure under Bi-Directional Seismic Excitations
(7)Three Interesting Bridge Seismic Retrofit Projects in Washington State USA
(8)Seismic Performance Of Port Facilities
(9)Damage Analysis of Steel Gas Pipelines in Taichung City Resulting from the Chi-Chi Taiwan Earthquake
(10)Emergency Response and Rehabilitation for Bridges Damaged at 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake
(11)Seismic Performance Analysis of Electric Power Network in Taiwan
(12)Seismic Fragility Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant Components Using Uniform Hazard Spectrum
(13)Seismic Vulnerability of School Buildings in Chorrillos and Barranco Districts, Lima, Peru
(14)Investigation of the Collapse of a Heater Stack During the Ismit (Kocaeli) Turkey Earthquake of August 17,1999
(15)Monitoring System of Great Lifeline System Based on Fiber Monitoring Technique and 3S
(16)Analytical Study on Seismic Damage Estimation of PWR-Type Nuclear Reactor Building by Nonlinear FEM Model
(17)Potential Application of Symptom-Based Reliability and Value Chain in Earthquake Engineering
(18)Application of Early Damaged Area Estimation System Using DMSP/OLS to Recent Destructive Earthquakes
(19)Worker Compensation Loss Model From Major Earthquake
(20)Quantitative Feature Extraction of RS Images and Seismic Disaster Classification and Evaluation