Language: Chinese
Published on: 1999-01
Seismic engineering geological problems of various sites and ground soil in Tangshan earthquake, July 28, 1976, are systematically analysed in this scientific research problems are discussed specifically in five aspects: seismic fracture, Seismic liquefaction, ground movement, earthquake damage analysis and compiling of seismic engineering geological maps. Furthermore, formation mechanism and distribution routine of various damaging effects are also studied in view of site condition and engineering geological problems to be encountered during the reconstruction of Tangshan city. Engineering aseismic criteria and measures for foundation treatment in different site condition are submitted.
Section I SeismicFracture
Section II Seismic Liquefaction
Section III Ground Movement
Section IV Seismic Damage Analysis
Section V Seismic Engineering Geological Map
Appendix I Compilation of
photos of seismic damages of sites and foundation soils of Tangshan event (186 photos)General condition of Tangshan
I. Ground fracture
II. Seismic liquefactionI
II. Ground movement
IV. Others
Appendix II Seismic engineering geological maps of Tangshan area
Seismic engineering geological maps of Tangshan area
I-1: Map of structure system of Tangshan plain area and distribution of epicentres of aftershocks of the “7.28” event
I-2: Map of vertical and horizontal deformation of Tangshan strong earthquake zones
I-3: Chart of ground strain of Tangshan strong earthquake zones
I-4: Chart of seismic effect of Tangshan active fault zone
I-5: Profile of ground deformation
II-1: Geomorphological map of Tangshan strong shock area
II-2: Macroscopic liquefaction trace map of Tangshan “7.28” event
II-3: District map of site seismic liquefaction and accompanying effect of Tangshan plain area
II-4: Practical documentation of seismic engineering geology survey of Tangshan city and its south suburbs
II-5: Geomorphological map of Tangshan city its south suburbs
II-6: Contour map of ground water level of Tangshan city and its south suburbs
II-7: Contour map of effective overlying pressure of Tangshan city and its south suburbs
II-8: District map of SPT data for sand of Tangshan city and its south suburbs
II-9: District map of liquefied potential of Tangshan city and its south suburbs
II-10: District map of liquefied engineering geology of Tangshan city and its south suburbs
III-1: Distrubution of maximum peak acceleration
III-2: Chart demonstrating relations between site soil and seismic dynamic coefficient of Tangshan city and its south suburbs
III-3: Chart demonstrating relation between site soil and ground microtremor period of Tangshan city and its south suburbs
IV-1: Chart of earthquake damage in Tangshan plain area during the “7.28” event
IV-2: Profile of mechanical index of ground soil and at the depth of -1.0m in Tangshan city and suburbs
IV-3: Profile of mechanical index of ground soil and at the depth of -2.5m in Tangshan city and suburbs
IV-4: Profile of mechanical index of ground soil and at the depth of -0.5m in Tangshan city and suburbs
V-1: Comprehensive seismic engineering geological map of Tangshan plain area
V-2: Comprehensive seismic engineering geological map of Tangshan city and its south suburbs