Seismic Imaging, Fault Rock Damage and Heal


Price: $48.00


Author: Li Yonggang
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787040390988
Published on: 2014-03

Seismic Imaging, Fault Rock Damage and Heal《全球变化与地球系统科学系列:地震成像与断裂破碎和愈合》内容涵盖:  全波形三维成像、噪声格林函数、数据同化方法在地震学中的应用  非匀介质中子波包、子射束和子曲射方法应用于复杂构造三维成像  断裂带导波观察和三维有限差分法波形模拟,精测断裂内部结构和物理属性实例  断裂带岩体共震破裂和震后愈合监测及实例  离散元玻尔兹曼网格模拟方法解析同一液藕合机制、地震过程破碎模拟应用  前震震矩动量释放和地震发生率统计学模型、地震风险评估及实例  超低频地磁信号监测和随机点方法、地震概率预报及实例

Seismic Imaging. Fault Damage and Heal: An Overview References 
1 Applications of Full-Wave Seismic Data Assimilation (FWSDA) 
1.1 Numerical Solutions of Seismic Wave Equations 
1.1.1 Stable Finite-Difference Solutions on Non-Uniform. Discontinuous Meshes 
1.1.2 Accelerating Finite-Difierence Methods Using GPUs 
1.1.3 The ADER-DG Method 
1.1.4 Accelerating the ADER-DG Method Using GPUs 
1.2 Automating the Waveforin Selection Process for FWSDA 
1.2.1 Seismogram Segmentation 
1.2.2 Waveform Selection 
1.2.3 Misfit Measurement Selection 
1.2.4 Frechet Kernels for Waveforms Selected in the Wavelet Domain 
1.3 Application of FWSDA in Southern California 
1.3.1 Waveform Selection on Ambient-Noise Green's Funct.ions 
1.3.2 Waveform Selection on Earthquake Recordings 
1.3.3 Inversion Results after 18 times Adjoint Iteration 
1.4 Summary and Discussion References 
2 Wavefield Representation. Propagation and Imaging Using Localized Waves: Beamlet. Curvelet and Dreamlet 
2.1 Introduction 
2.2 Phase-Space Localization and Wavelet Transform 
2.2.1 Time Frequency Localization 
2.2.2 Time-Scale Localization 
2.2.3 Extension and Generalization of Time-Frequency. Time-Scale Localizations 
2.3 Localized Wave Propagators: From Beam to Beamlet 
2.3.1 Frame Bearnlets and Orthonormal Beamlets 
2.3.2 Beamlet Spreading. Scattering and Wave Propagation in the Beamlet Domain 
2.3.3 Beam Propagation in Smooth Media with High-Frequency Asymptotic Solutions 
2.3.4 Beamlet Propagation in Heterogeneous Media by the Local Perturbation Approach 
2.4 Curvelet and Wave Propagation 
2.4.1 Curvelet and Its Generalization 
2.4.2 Fast Digital Transforms for Curvelets and Wave Atoms 
2.4.3 Wave Propagation in Curvelet Domain and the Application to Seismic Imaging 
2.5 Wave Packet: Dreamlets and Gaussian Packets 
2.5.1 Physical Wavelet and Wave-Packets 
2.5.2 Dreamlet as a Type of Physical Wavelet 
2.5.3 Seismic Data Deposition and Imaging/Migration Using Dreamlets 
2.5.4 Gaussian Packet Migration and Paraxial Approximation of Dreamlet 
2.6 Conclusions Acknowledgement References 
3 Two-way Coupling of Solid-fluid with Discrete Element Model and Lattice Boltzmann Model 
3.1 Introduction 
3.2 Discrete Element Method and the ESyS-Particle Code 
3.2.1 A Brief Introduction to the Open Source DEM Code:The ESyS-Particle 
3.2.2 The Basic Equations 
3.2.3 Contact Laws and Particle Interaction 
3.2.4 Fracture Criterion 
3.3 Lattice Boltzmann Method 
3.3.1 The Basic Principle of LBM 
3.3.2 Boundary Conditions of LBM 
3.3.3 A Brief Introduction to the Open Source LBM Code: OpenLB 
3.4 Two-way Coupling of DEM and LBM 
3.4.1 Moving Boundary Conditions 
3.4.2 Curved Boundary Conditions 
3.4.3 Implementation of Darcy Flow in LBM 
3.5 Preliminary Results 
3.5.1 Bonded Particles Flow in Fluid 
3.5.2 Fluid Flow in the Fractures 
3.5.3 Hydraulic Fracture Simulation 
3.6 Discussion and Conclusions Acknowledgement References 
4 Co-seismic Damage and Post-Mainshock Healing of Fault Rocks at Landers, Hector Mine and Parkfield, California Viewed by Fault-Zone Trapped Waves 
5 Subsurface Rupture Structure of the M 7.1 Darfield and M6.3 Christchurch Earthquake Sequence Viewed with Fault-Zone Trapped Waves 
6 Characterizing Pre-shock (Accelerating) Moment Release:A Few Notes on the Analysis of Seismicity -323 7Statistical Modeling of Earthquake Occurrences Based on External Geophysical Observations: With an Illustrative Application to the Ultra-low Frequency Ground Electric Signals Observed in the Beijing Region

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