Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787502833046
Published on: 2008-01
This Book is authored by collecting studing results in order to improve the RIS study on the base of the previous and recent studies. This book is composed of four chapter.
1.The Chapter1, Globle reservoir Construction and RIS Disasters, summarized the data and distribution characters of construction of high dam reservoir in China and other countries, the RSS problem and its study technique, and RIS disaster features. It is concluded that the rate and numbers of large reservoir construction are increasing with the needs of social development. The reservoir construction has entered the regions where the conditions of tectonics and seismology are complex. The risk of RSS from nature earthquakes and RIS, and the safety of reservoir and society in the reservoir region become more serious. The needs of study and prediction for RIS disasters have became very important.
2.The Chapter 2, Reservoir of RIS in China, described the character of dams and reservoirs, historic seismicity, reservoir-induced seismicity, tectonic environment, and knowledge of RIS genesis of 28 reservoirs in China
3.The Chapter 3, Some RIS Reservoirs in Other Countries, shown some data of 42 reservoirs in 16 countries. Nine reservoirs from six countries are studied in the features of dams and reservoirs, historic seismicity, reservoir-induced seismicity, tectonic environment, and knowledge of RIS genesis. The nine reservoirs include Indian Koyna Dam (Shivaji Sagar Lake), Orvoville Reservoir, Mead Reservoir and Keowee Reservoir in U.S.A, Nurek Reservoir in Tadijk, Manic 3 and LG. 3 Reservoirs in Canada, Tabelar Reservoir in Parkistan, Lake Gordon and Lake Pedder in Australia.
4.The Chapter 4, Mechanisms Research of RIS, collected and compared the former research results of RIS genetic factors which include reservoir scale, water level, seismicity background, petrology, tectonics, fault property, and hypothesis of RIS mechanism. Based on the data of 70 RIS cases which are studied in this book, the following research conclusion are shown:
The faulting response in RIS processes and its role in RIS progresses are suggested in terms of seismogeology.
Chapter 1 Globle Reservoir Construction and RIS Disasters
1.Reservoir Construction in Some Countries
2.Reservoir Construction in China
3.Reservoir Seismic Safety (RSS)
4.Knowledge and Technique on Reservoir Earthquake Safety Study
5.RIS Disaster Prediction
Chapter 2 Reservoirs Inducing Earthquakes in China
1.Reservoir Inducing M≥6.0 Earthquake
2.Reservoirs Inducing M4.0-4.9 Earthquakes
3.Reservoirs Inducing M3.0-3.9 Earthquakes
4.Reservoirs Inducing M2.0-2.9 Earthquakes
5.Reservoirs Probably Inducing Earthquakes
6.Reservoirs with Seismisity Decrease or No Obvious Increase
Chapter 3 Some Reservoirs Inducing Earthquakes in Other Countries
1.Koyna Dam (Shivaji Sagar Lake) in Indian
2.Oroville Reservoir in U.S.A
3.Nurek Reservoir in Tadijk
4.Mead Reservoir in U.S.A
5.Manic 3 Reservoir in Canada
6.Keowee Reservoir in U.S.A
7.LG 3 Reservoir in Canada
8.Tabelar Reservoir in Parkistan
9.Tasmania Lake Gordon and Lake Pedder in Australia
10.Other Reservoirs Inducing Earthquakes
Chapter 4 Mechanisms of RIS
1.History of Researching RIS
2.Tectonic-Physical Mechanism of RIS