Language: Chinese with English summary
Published on: 1977-01
A Handbook for the Determination of the Chinese Hemiptera-Heteroptera (Volume I)
中国蝽类昆虫鉴定手册 (半翅目异翅亚目) (第一卷)In Chinese with English Summary
This handbook deals with all the species of heteroptera heretofore known from China including the new records and new species. It is intended to serve the broad masses of the people, especially the workers in agriculture, the teachers and students of biology, the professional entomologists and the cadres in health work, quarantine station and national defense as a usable and reliable means for identifying the heteropterous specimens they encounter in their works. At the same time it is hoped that it may help to promote the mass movement in scientific researches and faunistie studies of the Chinese Heteroptera.
The group is systematically arranged. Keys will illustrated figures and brief descriptions are given to all families, genera and species. Photographic pictures are provided for most of the species. Effort has been made to make the text plain and easy to read and be readily accepted by the workers, peasants and soldiers even not specially trained in entomology.
It is planned that the whole work will be issued in four volumes. The present volume deals with nine families, viz., Plataspidae, Cydnidae, Pentatomidae, Acanthosomatidae, Urostylidae, Coreidae, Stenocephalidae, Berytidae and Colobathristidae, totaling 742 species, including 6 new genera, 1 new subgenus, 93 new species, 1 new subspecies, and 72 new records. Five new synonyms and 20 new combinations are suggested. The new genera and new species are here briefly diagnosed.
1. Plataspidae
2. Cydnidae
3. Pentatomidae
4. Acanthosomatidae
5. Urostylidae
6. Coreidae
7. Stenocephalidae
8. Berytidae
9. Colobathristidae
Handbook for the Determination of the Chinese Hemiptera-Heteroptera (Volume II)
中国蝽类昆虫鉴定手册(半翅目异翅亚目)第二册 In Chinese with English Summary
This volume deals with Lygaeidae, Piesmidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Aradidae, Tingidae, Enicocephalidae, Phymatidae, Reduviidae and Nabidae, totaling 968 species, in which 1 new genera, 59 new species, 1 new subspecies, and 161 new records (marked with *) are included, 9 new combinations are suggested.
1. Lygaeidae
2. Piesmidae
3. Pyrrhocoridae
4. Aradidae
5. Tingidae
6. Enicocephalidae
7. Phymatidae
8. Reduviidae
9. Nabidae