Global Trends and China in the Coming Decade:papers from "the Contemporary World Multilateral Dialogue 2013"


Price: $32.00


Author: China Center for Contemporary World Studies
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787511722331
Published on: 2014-08

Since the advent of globalisation in the 1970s, the world has beentransformed from a bipolar world dominated by Cold War superpowers, to aunipolar dominance of the US in the 1990s and since the events of 9/11, to apolycentric world with multiple centres of power. Globalisation has brokendown the barriers between internal and external national interests, regional andinternational demands, local and global policies. However, while globalisationhas enabled economic integration with both positive and negative effects,integration of global politics has proven challenging. The recent events inSyria with the US nearly deciding to replay its unilateral policy of neglectingworld opinion demonstrated the difficult global governance. Therefore,bettering intra-and inter-national governance presents a dilemma in that, stillin 2013, "we cannot always draw a clear distinction between domestic politics,i.e., politics within the state, and international politics, i.e., politics amongstates" (Frankel 1964: 11). The debate continues on how to manage nationalinterests without threatening or destabilising world peace and prosperity.This issue of debating national sovereignty versus regional and global interestis raised since the legitimacy of the Bretton Wood Institutions is under seriousquery especially in their ability to suitably establish a multilateral order froma multipolar world.

Make Good Use of Global Trends and Achieve Common Development
-- Keynote Speech at "The Contemporary World Multilateral Dialogue 2013".
To Build the Consciousness of Human Destiny Community and
Promote the Sound Interactions between China and the World
-- Closing Remarks at "The Contemporary World Multilateral Dialogue 2013".
Speech at The Contemporary World Multilateral Dialogue 2013
Speech at The Contemporary World Multilateral Dialogue 2013
Regional Economic Integration: Way of Achieving Win-Win Development
Forecasting Global Trends and Promoting Human Development
--Address at the welcoming banquet of the Contemporary World Multilateral Dialogue 2013

Session 1: Global Economy: Seeking Win-Win Development
Global Economy:Seeking Win-Win Development
The European Union and Germany in the Global Economy and the Relationship with China
The Role of Think Tanks in Canada for the Rise of Asia
Defending Energy Market from Monopolies and Cartels: The Antitrust Perspective
The Challenges to Peace and Security in Central Asia and the Perspectives of International Cooperation in the Region
Opening-up, Inclusiveness, Cooperation and Innovation: For a Win-Win Development of Global Economy
The Global Economy and Win-Win Development:The Role of China and the Other Emerging Economies
The Multilateral Trade Negotiations
Economic Cooperation of South East European Countries
Session 2: Global Politics: Bettering lntra-anfl Inter-national Governances
Two Northeast Asia's Security Agendas: Old and New
Conflict, Peace and Security Governance in Africa: Some Reflections on the Role of China as a Growing International Actor
The World and a Chinese Non-alignment Strategy of Governance and Development-Brief Survey
Global Politics: Bettering Intra-and Inter-National Governances in Energy Affairs
The Challenge for China of Fragmenting Global Rule Sets
The Changed and Changing World Order Demanding Inclusive Inter-and Intra-National Governance Institutions
Controversy over State Capitalism
Japan's Political Structural Change for Centralized Leadership under 'Abenomics'
--A Case Study of Economic Reform of Advanced Economies
Session 3: Global Security: Tackling the Uncertainties and Conflicts
Global Economy, Politics, Economy and China's International Strategies in a New Global Setting
Global Security:Tackling Old and Emerging Conflicts
China's Role in Global Energy Security
To What Extent Can Europe and China Do More to Jointly Address Some of the Contemporary International Security Challenges?
Sino-Korean Relations and Uncertainty on the Korean Peninsula
China and the US Needing Preventative Cooperation
Session 4: China's International Strategies in a New Global Setting
Elements, Achievements, and Innovation of the Diplomatic Theories with Chinese Characteristics
China, Global Challenges in the Next Decade and Africa
Understanding China's Diplomacy under the Leadership of Xi Jinping
The Strategic Implications of China in Africa
The Features of Current International Security Situation and China's Diplomacy
The Renascent Silk Road Diplomacy in Eurasia and China in the 21 st Century
-- The Geopolitical and the Geo-economic Approaches

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