Seeing the Real China in the Economic Perspective


Price: $33.00


Author: Zhen Xinli
Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787119086712
2014-03;  Paperback

Seeing the Real China in the Economic Perspective《发展与发达:解读中国现实国情(英文版)》由郑新立所著,近年来,“中国是否依然是发展中国家”,近年来是国际上一个重要关注点。改革开放30多年来,中国发展迅速,取得了巨大成就。但是,中国虽然在经济领域取得巨大发展,实际上与发达国家还存在差距。因此,在党的十八届三中全会后,对这个问题作出有理有据的回答,不仅有助于消除国际社会对中国所处发展阶段的误解,也有利于中国自身把握国情特点,制定和实施符合实际的发展战略。《发展与发达:解读中国现实国情(英文版)》针对国际社会对中国发展中国家属性的质疑,约请专家从经济总量、人均水平、经济结构、体制机制等多个维度进行阐释,展示中国发展全貌,让世界了解一个真实的发展

Economic Aggregate and Level of Development 
The Reality and Prospects of China's Economic Development 
Bustling Cities vs.Underdeveloped Countryside 
The Epitome and Prospects of China's Urban—Rural Dual Economic Structure 
Coastal and Inland Areas 
Regional Development Imbalances and New Opportunities for Development 
Industrial Level and Industrial Structure 
How Far China Is from the International Advanced Level 
From a Country with Large Population to a Country with Quality Human Capital 
New Demographic Dividend for China's Economic Development 
Vast Territory with Abundant Resources and Severe Resource Crisis 
Unbearable Weight behind Economic Prosperity 
Luxury Goods and Mass Consumption 
How Strong Is the Chinese Spending Power? 
Comfortable Housing and Investment 
Any Bubbles in China's Real Estate? 
From "Wide Coverage" to "Full Coverage" 
China's Social Security System Enabling All Citizens to Share the Fruits of Development 
Economic Development and Environmental Protection 
Green Industry Has Become a New Economic Growth Point 
"Made in China" vs."Created in China" 
How to Look at China's Exports? 
"Welcoming In" and "Going Out" 
Further Integration into Economic Globalization 
RMB's Appreciation and Internationalization 
The Requirements of the International Market and Domestic Economic Development 
Global Governance and China's Responsibility 
A Big Responsible Country

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