Proceedings of the International Symposium on Red Soils

Price: $68.00


Author: Institute of Soil Science, Academia Sinica
Language: English
Published on: 1986-01

Since 1950, the Institute of Soil Science, Academia Sinica, with the cooperation of the local soil research organizations, has carried out a series of field and laboratory investigations on the tropical and subtropical soils in China. The materials and data accumulated in the past 33 years give a view of broad outline on the genesis, distribution, properties and management of the soils, particularly the red soils in South China.

Based on the above mentioned work, we invited some foreign prominent soil scientists to attend the Symposium on Red Soils held in Nanjing on November 15-19, 1983. It is our great pleasure and honor that about 20 scholars from eleven countries participated in the Symposium. They gave valuable reports dealing with the red soils of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Oceania. The Proceedings cover 33 papers. In addition, many of the participants joined the post-symposium excursion in South China. Some illustrations of Soil profiles in the red soil region observed during the excursion are given in the appendix.

1. Preface

2. Part I: Genesis and Classification
(1) Characterization of Red and Yellow Colored Soil Materials in Southwestern Japan
(2) Red Soils in the Americas: Morphology, Classification and Management
(3) Micromorphology of Red Soils in China
(4) The Distribution, Properties and Management of acid Mineral Soils in Tropical South America
(5) Oxisols of the World
(6) Biogeochemistry of Red Weathering Crust in China
(7) Identification and use of Subtypes of the Argillic Horizon
(8) Red Soils of Central Africa
(9) The Use of soil Climatic data in Soil Taxonomy with Special Reference to the Tropics
(10) On the Genesis, Classification and Characteristics of the Soils in Tropical and Subtropical China

3. Part II: Properties
(1) Adsorption Characteristics of Red Soils in China
(2) Cation Retention in Red Soils of the Tropics
(3) Effects of Organic Matter on the Properties of Some Red Soils
(4) Microbes in Red Soils in China
(5) Surface charge Characteristics of red Soils
(6) Charge Characteristics of a Typic Gibbsihumox and a Hydric Dystrandept
(7) On the Content and Characteristics of Soil Organic Mattter in South China
(8) Mineralogy of Tropical and Subtropical Soils in China
(9) Physical Properties of Red Soils
(10) Physico-chemical Properties of red Soils of China

4. Part III: Management
(1) Nitrogen Fertilizers for the Tropics
(2) Phosphate-Fertilizer Requirements of Weathered Soils and Residual Phosphate Fertilizer Efficiency as Indicated by Phosphate Sorption Curves
(3) Forms and Transformation of Soil Phosphorus and the Effective Application of Phosphate Fertilizers in the red Soil Region of China
(4) Red Soils of the Semi-Arid T Ropics-Problems, Potentials and Management
(5) Degradation of Properties of red Brasilian Subtropical Soils by Management
(6) Soil Surface Mangement for Erosion Control and water Conservation
(7) Fertilizer application, Food Production and Changes of Soil Fertility Through 30 Years' Land Utilization in South China
(8) Trace Elements in tropical and Subtropical Soils of China
(9) Exploitation of China's Tropical Regions and Suitable Soil Conditions for Rubber Cultivation
(10) Land Use of Mountain and Hill Areas in Subtropic Red Earth Zone
(11) Characterization and Management of Reddish-Colored Tropical Soils
(12) Soil Erosion and its Control in Red Soil Region of China
(13) The Condition and status of Soil Potassium and the Application of Potassium Fertilizer in Red Earth Regions of China

5. Appendix
(1) Examined Soil Profiles in red Soil Region of China during the Post-Symposium Excursion

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