Language: Chinese with English Summary Latin name Index
ISBN/ISSN: 7502138935
Published on: 2003-03
Jurassic System in the North of China vol.2
Based on the data concerning Jurassic biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy in North China, this book makes a study of the tectonic environment, climate environment, sedimentary environment and ecological environment during Jurassic period. The book reveals all the environmental factors favorable for oil and gas source and the oil and gas prospect of the Jurassic basins. In view of biostratigraphy, it provides the data for oil and gas exploration of Jurassic target layers.
The study is made on the basis of division and comparison of Jurassic strata in North China. At first the book makes briefings about Jurassic developments in North China as well as Stratigraphic division, general conditions of biota, division and comparison of Jurassic system, and the current situation of oil and gas exploration.