Theory of Movement for Geologic Body and Its Application

Price: $56.00


Author: Jiang Zhi
Language: English
Published on: 1996-01

In this book, the author has put forward a series of new understanding in aspect of the hypothesis of pulsation of the earth, for instance, the shell integer rule of the earth, the formulae of variation of angular velocity of the Earth's rotation, the paleotemperature pulsation patterns, the core-mantle differential movement patterns in relation to the variation of paleogeomagnetic field, the formative, fragmented and evolution patterns of the yoke-shaped oldlands and the pacific oldland, the theoretical geologic time scales, the theoretical time scale of paleogemagnetic polarity, the east-west asymmetry of the circum-Pacific belt and the Tethys belts and the particularity of geotechtonic of China, etc. and in aspect of statistical geochemistry, for instance, the equation of random movement for chemical elements in geological body, the spatial distribution patterns of typical elements and their ore-forming processes patterns, the formulae for ore-control rate of exploration engineering density, the probability distribution formulae of reserves of mineral deposit, the theoretical methodology of estimation of regional mineralization capacity, the establishment of the theoretical function for resources-discovering trend and the profit function in the development of mineral deposit, etc. The presentation of these ideas is quite exploratory in nature

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