Jurassic Coal-Bearing Strata and CoalAccumulation in Northwest China


Price: $56.00


Author: Zhanghong
Language: Chinese
Published on: 1998-01

The administrative division of Northwest China includes Qinghai, Gansu, Shaanxi Province, as well as the Uygur autonomous Region of Xingjiang and the Hui autonomous Region of Ningxia. Traditionally the Northwest China Coal accumulation Region is defined as vast extensive area located in the west side of the Helan-Liupan Mts and the north side of the Kulun-Qinling Mts. In fact, it is only a part of the Jurassic coal accumulation region in Northern China. The studied area of this book includes not only the most part of the above five provinces (autonomous regions), but also the Alxa and Ih Ju Leagues of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Its total area approaches to 1/3 of the territory space in China.

The Jurassic coal-bearing strata are well developed in Northwest China, especially in the Junggar, Yili, Turpan-Hami, Tarim, Qaidam and Ordos Basins, as well as the Beihan-Alxa, qilian and West Ordos Margin Basin Groups. According to the principles of modern multiple stratigraphy, a comprehensive research has made on the stratigraphic sequence, lithostratigraphic units and their deposystems, the major coal-bearing members and their coal-forming properties, the fossil flora and fauna as well as their assemblages of the Jurassic coal measures in the studied area. As a result, the chronostratigraphic correlations of the different lithostratigraphic units have been carried out in the different Jurassic coal basins.

1. Introduction
2. Jurassic coal-bearing strata in the Junggar Basin
3. Jurassic coal-bearing strata in the Yili Basin
4. Jurassic coal-bearing strata in the Turpan-Hami Basin
5. Jurassic coal-bearing strata in Tarim
6. Jurassic coal-bearing strata in the Qaidam Basin
7. Jurassic coal-bearing strata in the Ordos Basin
8. Jurassic coal-bearing strata of the small-scale basin groups
9. Megaflora of the Jurassic coal measures in Northwest China
10. Jurassic floral assemblage zones in Northwest China
11. Jurassic palynofloral assemblage zones in Northwest China
12. Fauna assemblages of the Jurassic coal-bearing strata in Northwest
13. Correlation of the Jurassic coal-bearing strata in Northwest China
14. Formation and palaeogeography of the Jurassic coal besins in
Northwest China
15. General regularity of the Jurassic coal accumulation in Northwest

English abstract
Appendix1 Discription of new plant-species
Appendix2 Discription of new spore-and pollen-species
Appendix3 Discription of new species of bivlve and estheria
Appendix4 Terms of deposyystems and their facies composition of the
Jurassic coal Basins in Northwest China
Appendix5 Legends used in this book
Plates and their explanation

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