The International Association for Engineering Geology and Environment 50 Years (1964-2004)

Price: $92.00


Language: English
ISBN/ISSN: 9787030407061
2014-09;  Hardcover

The first chapter in this book addresses the birth of the Association in the early 60s. Geology in engineering applications was then an emerging and productive field in geosciences, and the absence of any engineering geology subjects in the contents of the 1964 International Geological Congress (IGC) set in motion the creation of the Association. Asher Shadmon, and a small group of distinguished colleagues, created a commission dedicated to the topic and later that year, the founding assembly of the IAEG and a provisional committee were created. The full story of the origins of the IAEG is presented in chapter 1.
The birth of the IAEG came at a time of increased recognition of the need for works designed with more orientation toward the behaviour
of the ground and thus, for more meaningful geological models to be provided. It was, however, only from the 80s and 90s on that engineering geology truly evolved towards geoengineering, such that today it has become a substantial, inherent member of geotechnical engineering. This evolution is presented in ‘‘A history of engineering geology'' in chapter 2.
The traditional scope of engineering geology was the application of geology to engineering practice, but this has been widened in time to embrace environmental concerns and geological hazards. Sir John Knill, in the first Hans Cloos lecture in 2002, presented a long, motivating discussion on the core values of our science and its prospects. Extracts of this milestone lecture are given in chapter 3.
The first IAEG statutes were completed in 1967. They defined the scope and aims of the Association and its general policies and management. In 1992, a second version of the statutes was approved, with changes that reflected the evolution of engineering geology over the preceding years and the increasing role of the environment. In 1997, together with the appropriate modification of the name, the Association also approved a set of bylaws. Chapter 4 explains the IAEG statutes, bylaws and general management in more detail.
Nowadays, the interplay between engineering geology, soil mechanics and rock mechanics has attained a level that ensures high efficiency in the so called geotechnical field. Chapter 5 outlines the relationships and cooperation between the sister societies, from the early IAEG years.
The editors Le premier chapitre de ce livre relate la naissance de l'Association au début des années 60. La géologie appliquée à l'ingénierie représentait alors un domaine émergeant et productif dans les géosciences, et l'absence de sujets consacrés à la géologie de l'ingénieur dans les thèmes du Congrès géologique international (CIG) de 1964 fut à l'origine de la création de l'Association. Asher Shadmon et un petit groupe de collègues créèrent une commission consacrée au sujet et plus tard cette année là, l'assemblée fondatrice de l'AIGI fut tenue et un comité provisoire fut créé. L'histoire complète des origines de l'AIGI est présentée dans le chapitre 1. 

President´s foreword 3
Avant-propos du president 5
Acknowledgements 7
Engineering geology and the foundations of the IAEG 10
Géologie de l’ingénieur et les fondements de l’AIGI
1 The origins of the IAEG 12
2 A history of engineering geology 18
3 Engineering geology core values 28
4 Statutes and management of the IAEG 36
5 Collaboration with other societies 42
Memoirs of past presidents and secretaries general 50
Mémoires des présidents et des secrétaires généraux
6 Presidents 52
7 Secretaries general 86
IAEG services 100
Les services de l’AIGI
8 Commissions 102
9 Congresses, symposia and other conferences 112
10 The Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 120
11 Newsletters 130
12 The IAEG in the information era 134
13 Membership 138IAEG awards 142
Les récompenses de l’AIGI
14 The Hans Cloos Medal 144
15 The Richard Wolters Prize 148
16 The Marcel Arnould Medal 152
17 Honorary members 156
The IAEG: looking forward 160
L’AIGI : regardons vers l’avenir
18 A vision for the future 162
A Executive committee members 172
B Commissions 176
C Congresses, symposia and other conferences 178
D The Bulletin: editorial board members from 1970 to 2014 184
E Textbooks on engineering geology 186
F A photographic view of the life of the IAEG 190
G Acronyms 201 

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